Good news for those with Commtiva Z71 clones like Orange Boston, Motorola XT502 (XT3/XT5), Apanda A60, Wellcomm A88, etc.
Check out the pics below and install this ROM from this Download link.
Hope you enjoy, after a long silence of ROMs for our Commtiva Z71 clones.
More info over here. Thanks to Cipi for the tip!
At least
Something new. About 4.0 ?
But there is new ROms, just search for them

About 4.0, nothing new
Nice looking ROM.
Can anyone confirm if there are any Wi-Fi issues with this rom? I’m currently using the LiGuX rom which I think is great, but every other ROM I’ve tried I’ve had problems with Wi-Fi, the problem is that the range is bad, I have to be like 3m away from the wireless access point for me to detect the Wi-Fi.
wifi works’fine
but nosignal
@paul, I’m a bit confused with your reply… First you say Wi-Fi works fine with this rom, then you say you get no signal with it?
He remains without IMEI/GSM signal, not WiFi signal
Common problem, for me.
Always install the original CM7 nb0 OS, and come to this OS. This is a general rule that applies to most new OS installations to avoid the NO SIGNAL/IMEI issue.
tell me how or the link where i find detail
nice! Its work. Nice to see that this device is still updated:)
will this support whatsapp?
i think all android phones out there support this app regardless what rom you are running.
what cm y should install before this. ce Rom. tre Sa instalez anainte daca esti ro cipi acumen folosesc phantom
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I m using mokee z71 go@cipi but there is no network .it comes error while searching network anyone have solution I m using moto xt502
I installed mokee z71 but no network.Its Showing error while m searching the network in both manual and automatically plz help me .I am using Motorola XT502
Please ser my comment above to cipi
where i can find t solution tell me the link for full solution plzz
give me the link of Mokee in nbo fromat to download
Battery is draining very fast.If i use Internet on my Motorola XT502 for 5 to 10 mins 30 to 40 % battery drains. Do u have any idea to prevent battery draining problem plz tell me asap